These are a collection of sigils I designed to represent core axioms which I want to follow to improve my life, as well as other uses. Each sigil is a single unbroken line on a 3×3 grid and is designed to be an easily memorisable shorthand representation of each axiom.

You will feel happier after you do what you are putting off doing - this sigil represents the axiom that procrastination or consciously avoiding a task will have a negative effect on my mental health, and so the inverse also applies and actually pushing through and doing that task will have a positive effect. I have referred to this as 'free dopamine', since often the tasks are pretty easily achievable without too much effort. Additionally, tasks which are procrastinated usually cause a negative feedback loop, amplifying their negative effect on my mental health and further preventing me from approaching them.
By visualising or drawing this sigil, I: will start work on a task which I have been procrastinating.

Doing something that scares you usually unlocks the ability to do that thing - this sigil represents the axiom that, from experience, doing something that I want to do but am avoiding because I find it 'scary' usually makes it much easier to do afterwards. This can be used to encourage personal progression even through barriers which prevent me from doing what I truly know I want to do, like trying a new appearance through new clothes or a haircut, or having new experiences/visiting new places.
By visualising or drawing this sigil, I: make the conscious choice to engage in something which will make me nervous or uncomfortable, with the knowledge that I will likely only experience those feelings the first time round.

You am more important than everyone else - this sigil represents the axiom that I should discount the perceived opinions of others when deciding whether to make a change. The title, though somewhat narcissistic-sounding, really just means that if there is something new which I know that I want to try, I should not convince myself out of it with the reason that I don't want to get judged by others. This sigil fits hand-in-hand with the previous one; they both usually help in situations where I want to do something but am nervous about it - this one has the added implication that the anxiety stems from how I think other people might perceive the change.
By visualising or drawing this sigil, I: confront my anxiety around being perceived making a change which I want but am nervous about, and go ahead with that change regardless.

Your thoughts are spiraling, but you have the power to break that spiral - this sigil represents the axiom that, when I detect that my thoughts or mood are starting to get caught up in a negative spiral, I can break that spiral to prevent it from getting any worse. In most cases, just being aware of this spiral will break it automatically, but sometimes I need to be able to distract myself from it.
By visualising or drawing this sigil, I: realise that my mood is rapidly getting worse, or my thoughts are forming a negative feedback loop, and break that cycle to prevent further damage.

You can endure - this sigil represents the axiom that, when feeling stressed or nervous or upset or any number of other negative emotions, I can maintain enough control over my mind to push through it. This is useful regardless of whether the situation actually has an external source of that negative emotion, or my brain is just generating it of its own accord.
By visualising or drawing this sigil, I: endure.