reibun/例文 is a site for practicing Japanese reading comprehension with example sentences, with a focus on practicing specific, previously-learned kanji.
When the user visits the page, they are presented with a Japanese sentence, and on clicking the 'show' button, the English translation as well as furigana for the included kanji are displayed.
The user can select a list of levels from which example sentences are pulled. These levels equate to the levels on WaniKani and the randomly selected sentence will only contain kanji which are in the selected levels. By selecting only levels that they have already completed on WaniKani, the user can practice sentences that only contain kanji they should already know.

The sentences were pulled from WaniKani's API by querying for all kanji, then extracting the example sentences for each kanji (WaniKani does not have an API endpoint for example sentences alone). Furigana support is provided by the kuroshiro npm package.
reibun can be accessed on my website: https://例文 The git repo is also public and accessible on GitHub: The site is built on React, Next.js and Sass.